School Information
School Hours:
The elementary day begins as 9:00 AM and ends at 3:28 PM.
Morning Kindergarten begins at 9:00 AM and is dismissed at 11:35 am.
Afternoon kindergarten begins at 12:50 pm and is dismissed at 3:28 pm.
Students should not be dropped off any earlier than 8:45 am unless they are eating breakfast which begins at 8:30 AM.
Absences: Return excuse forms or written notes for absences to the secretary immediately following absence (within three days). Excuses can be submitted through the Sapphire Parent Portal. Email and paper excuses are also acceptable.
Tardy: Students are tardy if they arrive at school after 9:00 am. You must provide a reason for the tardiness when signing student in at the office.
Penn Manor School District welcomes and encourages opportunities to engage volunteers. That being said, our number one priority for all students is a safe and supportive learning environment. Pennsylvania now requires all volunteers to obtain clearances.
Clearances are now free for school volunteers with the exception of the FBI Criminal Background. You can learn more about the clearances required and how to get them on the Penn Manor website. Please contact us if you need assistance with your clearances.
All visitors are required to enter from the main entrance of the school at the front of the building. Visitors will need to sign in at the office and must exchange their keys or ID for a visitor’s badge.
Parents will not be permitted to go to classrooms during the school day unless prior arrangements have been made with the classroom teacher and principal. We are happy to assist with delivering forgotten items, notes, etc. to your child or child’s teacher. We appreciate your cooperation.
Inclement Weather:
Two Hour Delay (Modified Kindergarten)
Students will be picked up two hours later than regularly scheduled.
Morning kindergarten students will be dismissed at 12:45 pm for parent pick up.
Afternoon kindergarten can be dropped-off between 1:35 pm and 1:40 pm. School will start at 1:45 pm and be dismissed at 3:25 pm.
Delays and early dismissals are announced radio stations: WDAC, WIOV, WLAN, WSBA, WQXA, WJTL and WRKZ and TV stations: WGAL and WLYH.
Technology is an essential part of curriculum and instruction at Penn Manor School District. Over the past 10 years the district has expanded classroom technology availability, promoted teacher professional development and worked to weave technology into the fabric of student learning experiences.
Just as technology has become a part of our classrooms, students have also embraced technology for communication, homework and personal studies. In the past, the use of student owned cell phones, laptops, netbooks and iPods was forbidden during the school day. Penn Manor School District has recognized the importance of allowing students to utilize their own personal technology at school for legitimate instructional activities. For this reason, all district school buildings now offer filtered guest wireless access for students in all grade levels. Student and parents need to be aware of several rules and requirements before a device is brought to school:
The student is solely responsible for any equipment that he/she brings to school. Penn Manor School District is no liable for lost, stolen or damaged equipment.
Student use of personal electronic devices is still prohibited during the school day unless a teacher or principal grants permission.
The guest wireless network is to be used solely for educational purposes. Any device being used for non-educational use will be subject to disciplinary policies outlined in the student handbook.
Penn Manor IT staff and teachers do not install software or assist with personal student devices. Additionally, the district is not responsible for technical malfunctions on personal devices. Students are responsible for securing their devices with software updates and anti-virus tools.
Additional details on the student guest network are available online:
We are thrilled to offer this exciting new service and hope you and your child will be too. Questions related to the student guest wireless service may be directed to Charlie Reisinger, IT Director, via email:
Rules and Regulations:
A copy of the elementary handbook can be found here. Please be sure to review the school rules with your child. These rules and expectations have also been reviewed with your student during the school day.